After you have navigated your way through our website, it would be good to know the persons who will be interacting with you, guiding you and touring with you after you have decided to acquire any of our affordable services.  This page serves to direct our valued viewers who will soon to be customers, to know the persons who will actually serve them from our team.  An early acquaintance will allow our guests to put names to faces when they meet the person or persons they were corresponding with prior to their coming to Jamaica, their assigned driver, guide and other persons they will be meeting for the first time.

Please see and get to know the persons who are involve in making Attractions Link Tourism Services' holiday activities and adventures interesting, educational and exciting. This will enhance your coming and touring with us on one of our bird watching vacationsbird watching tourscycling vacations and tourshiking vacationshiking toursleisure vacations and leisure tours!  Your support will be highly appreciated as it will make a difference in the forward movement of not just Attractions Link Tourism Services but also Jamaica's economy on a whole.  Please, meet our team members!


Attractions Link Tourism Services janette-murdock

A hard working Jamaican entrepreneur, who is always brilliant in planning and arranging her clients' holiday affairs..

Lead Guide

Highly knowledgeable, Lorenzo AKA Wayne is our company's top guide. He is a serious and committed person, great birding tour leader, cycling tour guide, hike guide and driver. Lorenzo is extraordinarily accommodating, informative and jovial.

Attractions Link Tourism Services Hiking-in-the-Blue-Mountains

Is a native of Green Hills in the northern Blue Mountains, who is currently employed by the National Conservation Development Trust, as a park ranger, also work for Attractions Link Tourism Services as a a birding and hiking tour guide. He is knowledgeable of birds, plants and other aspects of wildlife.

Attractions Link Tourism Services ryan-birding-guide

Ryan who currently work as a park
ranger, is a native of the Rio Grande
Valley. From an early age, Ryan has
always cherished birds. Ryan studied
birds, plants and butterflies. Ryan is a
great birding and hiking tour guide who
always give his all to make his birders
and hikers happy.

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