We are pleased to advise our valued clients, customers and guests that we are reachable twenty four (24) hours per day, any day of the week. If efforts to reach us fails by trying to reach our operations office during work hours, this may be caused by a busy line, power outage, defected telephone line or our attendant might have just stepped out of the office for a short while. Please feel free to call any of the mobile telephone numbers listed, anytime of day or night.
Your call will be answered as soon as it is made. If for some reason your call is missed, your call will be returned as soon as your contact information is received. We put a high value on your doing business with us; and so your effort in getting to us also receives high priority. With this in mind, our messages are checked on a regular basis throughout a twenty four (24) hour period.
- Our Operation Office Address is, 2 Harbour Street Port Antonio, Post Office Box 310, Port Antonio Post Office, Portland Jamaica West Indies.
- Our Office Opening Hours are, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Mondays through Fridays and 9:00 am to 2:30 pm, on Saturdays.
- Our Office Telephone Number is, +1 (876) 881- 4623.
- Our twenty four (24) hours mobile phone numbers are, +1 (876) 881- 4623 or +1 (876) 594-6324 or +1 (876) 783-5750.
- Text messages via SMS or WhatsApp messages to our 24 hours number are also accepted.
Please, feel free to send us your inquiry via e-mail at anytime by using the Enquirer's submission form below. Please note that all fields on this form, must be filled in, in order to guarantee an effective transmission.

An easy to use form that can be used from your computer, cell phone or tablet.
After contacting us, we will get back to you in seconds!
Circumstances do arise. Whatever your circumstances are, just contact us. This can be done while waiting to board your next flight!
After you have made your decision, contacting us is easy. We will get right back to you in seconds.
Planning your family vacation takes a lot into consideration. Talk to us. We can help you to make your trip to Jamaica a reality.
This customer was really impressed. He gave us a call right after seeing our response to his request, while checking is messages, after leaving work.