Birding in Jamaica, involves several mountainous areas where persons of birding interest can visit and watch birds in a cool, peaceful and friendly atmosphere. Some of these mountainous birding areas can be found in the Cockpit Country region of Jamaica. Although it is not as comprehensive in assuring persons of birding interest that they will see all of Jamaica's twenty nine (29) endemic bird species on this single day birding excursion, the combined forests of this region has a lot to offer to birders who are inclined to visit this marvelous country-side.
If you are holidaying in Montego Bay, Negril, Ocho Rios, Runaway Bay, Discovery Bay, Treasure Beach or Black River areas, Attractions Link Tourism Services invites you to join one of our single day birding excursions to the quiet forests which are located in various regions of the Cockpit Country. If you do not want to join a birding excursion with other persons for whatever reason, you can take a personalize excursion with one of our competent, experienced and knowledgeable bird-guides who will also be accommodating, tolerable and patient throughout your entire trip.
Having a birding guide with these qualities, you will be able to see a great number of birds within an eight hour birding period. From any hotel, villa guest house or private home in the areas mentioned above, our birding crew will be happy to help in having you making your desire of birding for a day in the Cockpit Country of Jamaica, a reality. Take a break from the beach and see more of Jamaica by exploring its interior! Enjoy the unspoiled hills and valleys that accommodate a large percentage of Jamaica's bird life.
Main Birds and Habitats

These forests are less dense compare to those of eastern Jamaica. This makes your spotting easier. Close up views of the various species are eminent. This makes photo shooting easy and viewing spectacular.
This Jamaican Becard male, stands alert and take great interest of its young ones in the nest while the female went out for a short while. Male Jamaican Becards set decent examples of family life in the Birding World. Learn more about these creatures!.
Similar to the Male Jamaican Becard, the Female Jamaican Becard stood outside her nest and watch, while the male goes out to hunt and take back food. Another great bird to see in action.
This bird is a beauty to see. Always loved by the female bird watchers, as it presents itself sometimes surprisingly. This bird is usually present in regions of the Cockpit Country, Bluefield Mountains and the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park. We will take you to these birds!
This part of the Cockpit Country is also a great area to visit. Hosting birds such Crested Quail-doves, Caribbean Doves, Ring-tailed Pigeons, Chestnut-bellied Cuckoos, Lizard Cuckoos and all three endemic parrots, being a single day birder, you must see this habitat.
Similar to the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park region, this bird is also present in most areas of the Cockpit Country. Being a chirpy creature, the Jamaican Vireo is interesting to listen to, when it sings its melodious songs.
This bird is the National bird of Jamaica, and is present in over two thirds of the island. Although this bird is present in Botanical Gardens, home gardens, sometimes one need to go to areas like these to see it. Be with us on one of our tours to this region.
Throughout Jamaica, this area is one which birders can be sure that they will see the Black-billed Parrot on any single day birding tour. These birds can be seen inflight, perched or just flickering from tree to tree. Some they are accompanied or accompanying the Yellow-billed Parrots in one flock.
Our target birds in this area are Arrow-headed Warblers, Jamaican Becards, Jamaican Crows, Jamaican Elaenias, Jamaican Euphonias, Jamaican Lizard Cuckoos, Jamaican Mango Hummingbirds, Jamaican Spindalis or Striped-headed Tanagers, Chestnut-bellied Cuckoos, Black Billed Parrots, Yellow Billed Parrots, Jamaican Parakeets, Jamaican Peewees, Jamaican Woodpeckers, Orange-quits, Jamaican Orioles, Rufus-tailed Fly-catchers, Sad Fly-catcher, Red-billed Streamer-tail Hummingbirds, Ring-tailed Pigeons, White Chinned and White-eyed Thrushes Yellow-shouldered Grass-quits, are the endemics that are usually present in this area.
You will be delighted, in proving for yourself, the number of endemic species you have seen in one morning. You will also be delighted to see the number of other species you will be viewing, during your search for the endemic species.
These birds are the elusive Rufus-throated Solitaires, Greater Antillean Bullfinch, Greater Antillean Elaenias, Black-faced Grass-quit, Yellow-faced Grass-quits, Black-whiskered Vireos, Stolid Fly-catchers, Common Yellow-throated Warblers, Cape-may Warblers, Black-throated Blue Warblers, Northern Parulas, Black Swifts, Red-tailed Hawks, Green-romped Parrot-lets, Vervain Hummingbirds, White-collared Swifts, White-crowned Pigeons, Logger-head Kingbirds, Gray Kingbirds, Crested Caracaras are just some of the other bird species you will find easily here.
Based on the distance and driving time from any of the resort areas mentioned above to the main birding habitats of the Cockpit Country, the departure time is 5:00 am from your accommodation venue on your requested tour date. This will allow you to arrive in the Cockpit Country region at or about 6:am. On arrival, we will start bird watching at 6:00 am. Arriving this early, will allow you to bird for about six (6) hours in the main areas of the forest reserve. We will bird these areas until about 8:30 am.
At this time we will pause for breakfast somewhere in the forest. After breakfast, we will bird for another three (3) hours before concluding our productive morning in this legendary forest. At or about mid day, the temperature will rise. This means that the birding slows down dramatically. At this time we can still look, listen or use electronic bird calls to enhance our chances of seeing some of the birds we will be able to see, easier.
Between twelve (12) noon to one (1) pm, we will depart the higher areas and bird along the way, stopping at strategic spots on the way to your accommodation venue. This will allow us to add more birds to our list. If you are on a cruise ship to Falmouth, Montego Bay or Ocho Rios areas, ask about special arrangement for cruise ship birders arriving into Ocho Rios, Falmouth and Montego Bay cruise ship ports.
Cost for this tour includes:-
- All transportation in regards to this tour.
- One (1) packed breakfast per person on tour.
- Birding guide cost.
- Twelve page Jamaica birds checklist
For more information regarding availability, booking and other inquiries, please contact us using the information provided.
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