Transportation from Negril to Port Antonio, is similar to the Montego Bay to Port Antonio except that this transfer is longer. This 274km transfer can be a scenic one also, if it is done in day-light. This four half (4) hour trip, will take you along the main north coast areas of Jamaica such as Montego Bay, Falmouth, Discovery Bay, Runaway Bay and Ocho Rios. On passing Discovery Bay, you would have already half your journey. Between Montego Bay and Ocho Rios, the roadway is mainly straight. This transfer can also be used as a private sightseeing tour which allows stops that can be viewed as journey breaks. One of the places to stop and enjoy is Dunn's River Falls in Ocho, which is one of Jamaica's top attractions.
After you have gotten pass towns such as Port Maria, Annatto Bay and Buff Bay, the road trends towards twirly turns and rolling hills. These are just a few signs indicating that you are in the paradise parish of Portland of which Port Antonio is the capital town. Known for its mountainous regions, cascading waterfalls which are hugged by the lush and green vegetation, Port Antonio maycapture your heart and entice you to extend your time in order to have a longer stay in Jamaica! Book your private charter transportation to Bay View Villas, Frenchman's Cove Beach Resort, Goblin Hill Villas, Great Huts, Hotel Mocking Bird Hill, Jamaica Palace Hotel, Match Resort and Wilks Bay Resort for the lowest rates you will find!
If you are travelling from Negril to Port Antonio, the average driving distance between both resort areas is 274 km. Based on the per km rate set at US$1.65 per km, the cost for using this car or a similar one over 274 km, is US$452.10. Enjoy the comfort of this spacious sedan car or a similar one, with the capacity of taking three (3) passenger with luggage plus driver, for even less than the rate which is quoted here. Please view your two payment options below:
Tap or click the VISA/MASTERCARD icon for access to book via our reservation office. This payment option also allows you to capitalize on our going discounts and special rate offers. Please click or tap the picture to view going discounts and special offers. Tap or click the "Buy Now" button to pay using PayPal. This option does not offer any discount.

If you are travelling from Negril to Port Antonio, the average driving distance between both resort areas is 274 km. Based on the per km rate set at US$1.65 per km, the cost for using this car or a similar one over 274 km, is US$452.10. Enjoy the comfort of this spacious station wagon car or a similar one, with the capacity of taking three (3) passenger with luggage plus driver, for even less than the rate which is quoted here. Please view your two payment options below:
Tap or click the VISA/MASTERCARD icon for access to book via our reservation office. This payment option also allows you to capitalize on our going discounts and special rate offers. Please click or tap the picture to view going discounts and special offers. Tap or click the "Buy Now" button to pay using PayPal. This option does not offer any discount.

If you are travelling from Negril to Port Antonio, the average driving distance between both resort areas is 274 km. Based on the per km rate set at US$3.85 per km, the cost for using this car or a similar one over 274 km, is US$1,054.90. Enjoy the comfort of this spacious off road station wagon car or a similar one, with the capacity of taking three (3) passenger with luggage plus driver, for even less than the rate which is quoted here. Please view your two payment options below:
Tap or click the VISA/MASTERCARD icon for access to book via our reservation office. This payment option also allows you to capitalize on our going discounts and special rate offers. Please click or tap the picture to view going discounts and special offers. Tap or click the "Buy Now" button to pay using PayPal. This option does not offer any discount.

If you are travelling from Negril to Port Antonio, the average driving distance between both resort areas is 274 km. Based on the per km rate set at US$1.95 per km, the cost for using this van or a similar one over 274 km, is US$538.30. Enjoy the comfort of this spacious small size family van or a similar one, with the capacity of taking five (5) passenger with luggage plus driver, for even less than the rate which is quoted here. Please view your two payment options below:
Tap or click the VISA/MASTERCARD icon for access to book via our reservation office. This payment option also allows you to capitalize on our going discounts and special rate offers. Please click or tap the picture to view going discounts and special offers. Tap or click the "Buy Now" button to pay using PayPal. This option does not offer any discount.

If you are travelling from Negril to Port Antonio, the average driving distance between both resort areas is 274 km. Based on the per km rate set at US$2.35 per km, the cost for using this van or a similar one over 274 km, is US$643.90. Enjoy the comfort of this spacious medium size family van or a similar one, with the capacity of taking seven (7) passenger with luggage plus driver, for even less than the rate which is quoted here. Please view your two payment options below:
Tap or click the VISA/MASTERCARD icon for access to book via our reservation office. This payment option also allows you to capitalize on our going discounts and special rate offers. Please click or tap the picture to view going discounts and special offers. Tap or click the "Buy Now" button to pay using PayPal. This option does not offer any discount.

If you are travelling from Negril to Port Antonio, the average driving distance between both resort areas is 274 km. Based on the per km rate set at US$2.85 per km, the cost for using this van or a similar one over 274 km, is US$780.90. Enjoy the comfort of this spacious large size family van or a similar one, with the capacity of taking nine (9) passenger with luggage plus driver, for even less than the rate which is quoted here. Please view your two payment options below:
Tap or click the VISA/MASTERCARD icon for access to book via our reservation office. This payment option also allows you to capitalize on our going discounts and special rate offers. Please click or tap the picture to view going discounts and special offers. Tap or click the "Buy Now" button to pay using PayPal. This option does not offer any discount.

If you are travelling from Negril to Port Antonio, the average driving distance between both resort areas is 274 km. Based on the per km rate set at US$4.60 per km, the cost for using this coach or a similar one over 274 km, is US$1,260.40. Enjoy the comfort of this spacious small size touring coach or a similar one, with the capacity of taking fifteen (15) passenger with luggage plus driver, for even less than the rate which is quoted here. Please view your two payment options below:
Tap or click the VISA/MASTERCARD icon for access to book via our reservation office. This payment option also allows you to capitalize on our going discounts and special rate offers. Please click or tap the picture to view going discounts and special offers. Tap or click the "Buy Now" button to pay using PayPal. This option does not offer any discount.

If you are travelling from Negril to Port Antonio, the average driving distance between both resort areas is 274 km. Based on the per km rate set at US$6.35 per km, the cost for using this coach or a similar one over 274 km, is US$1,739.90. Enjoy the comfort of this spacious medium size touring coach or a similar one, with the capacity of taking twenty eight (28) passenger with luggage plus driver, for even less than the rate which is quoted here. Please view your two payment options below:
Tap or click the VISA/MASTERCARD icon for access to book via our reservation office. This payment option also allows you to capitalize on our going discounts and special rate offers. Please click or tap the picture to view going discounts and special offers. Tap or click the "Buy Now" button to pay using PayPal. This option does not offer any discount.

If you are travelling from Negril to Port Antonio, the average driving distance between both resort areas is 274 km. Based on the per km rate set at US$8.05 per km, the cost for using this coach or a similar one over 274 km, is US$2,205.70. Enjoy the comfort of this spacious mega size touring coach or a similar one, with the capacity of taking forty (40) passenger with luggage plus driver, for even less than the rate which is quoted here. Please view your two payment options below:
Tap or click the VISA/MASTERCARD icon for access to book via our reservation office. This payment option also allows you to capitalize on our going discounts and special rate offers. Please click or tap the picture to view going discounts and special offers. Tap or click the "Buy Now" button to pay using PayPal. This option does not offer any discount.